Thursday, March 22, 2012

I want TO bE a bookworm .


Yesterday i saw an old man on a bench reading his book . Not caring about the world passing by . Not even once he blinked his eyes . I wanted to  ask him what he was reading ,but that would be too selfish, To distract him from the world he was in. Because i know how it feels to get into the world of  the words . Taking you to  places that might not even exist , that might not even be for real. Reading is like going to places without any tension and problems .Drifting from one place to another with the words . 
                           WELL!!! books were not my thing , I  thought it was a boring way to pass the time ,  I rather open the laptop and chat with my friends ,or play fun games on my I-touch or the PSP ,instead of being a bookworm . BUT when i was in India for a short time ,i bought myself a book (old path white clouds )as a souvenir . And when i came back i started reading .YES ! IT was boring at first,  sitting in for a long time. I even took four days to complete a single chapter lol .  BUT AS the chapter went from 1 to 2 to 3 , it was getting more and more interesting . Now i try to complete at  least  2 chapters once i start reading it .IT is a great hide away from all the unnecessary thoughts and worries . And the real magic of  books is that it will clear your mind  , misconception , doubts and mainly makes you wiser 

OLD PATH WHITE  CLOUDS. This book is about the BUDDHA and His deeds .

 My book shelf 

I like to sing this book rather than reading it    .. awesome 

This one is to guide you  how deal with the changes in your work and life .. 

The art of happiness at work 

Brida and  The inheritance of loss 
men are from mars women are from venus .. hmmm not Grown up for this one  lol :P

IF you are reading for the first time , make sure you have the right book to start with.It should be very interesting , it should be simple , and most important, it should be about your interest Or else you will get bored and feel like not reading anything else . So go to a book store and tell the store keeper your interest and say  you want the best seller .Make sure you enjoy what you read :p